Trial purpose

This is a Phase 2, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sotatercept versus placebo in adults with Cpc-PH due to HFpEF.

The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of sotatercept versus placebo in adults with Cpc-PH due to HFpEF. Efficacy is measured by change from baseline in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR, primary endpoint) and 6-minute walk distance (6MWD, key secondary endpoint)

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When you talk with your doctor or clinical trial team member, please have the national trial reference number available.



Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine if you are eligible to take part in a clinical trial. However, this information may be useful in starting a conversation with your doctor.


Hypertension, Pulmonary

Age Range

18 - 85



About the trial

Current trial phase

Phase 2

In Phase 2 trials, researchers try to find out if a treatment works in about 100 to 500 participants – usually people who have the health condition the treatment is intended to treat. In vaccine trials, the participants are usually healthy. Phase 2 trials may happen in a doctor’s office, a clinic, or a hospital.

Trial start and end dates
  • Trial start date December 29, 2021
  • Estimated primary completion date October 31, 2025
  • Estimated trial completion date February 20, 2027

Trial locations

Locations shown may have changed in some cases. Please call the number listed in the location results to confirm the nearest trial site. Talk with a trial site member for more information.

What can you do next?

If you think this clinical trial might be a good fit and you are interested in taking part, take the next step to see if you are eligible.

Discuss with your doctor or care team

Print this page with details about the trial or email it to your doctor to discuss the clinical trial during your next visit.

Get help talking with your doctor or care team



When you talk with your doctor or clinical trial team member, please have the national trial reference number available.

Taking part in a clinical trial is an important decision

If you are considering joining a clinical trial, first learn as much as you can about:

  • The investigational treatment that is being studied
  • What the risks and possible benefits are for participants

Talk to your doctor about the clinical trial before you decide to join.

Read this “What to Consider” page for more questions to ask and think about